Meet the girl whose rare condition makes her extremely friendly with no fear of strangers

May 4, 2015  23:49

A special girl suffers with a rare condition that makes her extremely friendly.

Little Lauren Taylor, three, has Williams Syndrome, one of the side effects of which means she will say hello to everyone.

Mum Katherine, 37, says it takes her hours to do the supermarket shopping because Lauren has to say hi to everyone.

The condition has also left the youngster with development delays. She is estimated to be around one year behind her peers.

Katherine, from Barnsley, said: "She can say a few words and she says hello to everybody as the condition means she has no fear of strangers.

"It's nice to know we will never have to worry about her being shy, but it takes forever to get anywhere because she wants to speak to everyone.

"People always say hello back. They say she looks like a little doll."

Katherine and her husband Paul, 38, were told their baby was smaller than normal at their 20 week scan.

The remainder of the pregnancy was an anxious wait for the first-time parents.

Katherine said: "At 36 weeks I got the symptoms of pre-eclampsia so I had to have an emergency caesarean.

"Lauren was born weighing 3lb 12oz. She was whisked straight up to the special care baby unit where she stayed for 22 days."

At four months old Lauren had a genetics test which revealed she had Williams Syndrome.

The condition affects one in 20,000 children in the UK. It causes cardiovascular problems, development delay, speech and mobility problems, hyper-sensitivity to noise and sleep problems, as well as making Lauren extra friendly.

Katherine said: "For us each little milestone is a massive achievement. She recently learned to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in her own way which was such a proud moment for the family.

"She goes to a mainstream nursery where she is very popular.

"All the children want to mother Lauren and assist her with walking around the setting and playground."

Lauren is also very sensitive to noise, so a sudden sound, for example a loud car engine or a sneeze, can leave her feeling anxious and distressed.

Katherine and Paul have met other families affected by the condition through the Williams Syndrome Foundation, which is run by parents for parents to provide medical research and support for families affected by the rare condition.

As the future is uncertain for Lauren, the family find comfort in speaking to other and regularly meeting with other families for planned Williams picnics.

Paul is taking part in the Great Yorkshire Run in September for the Williams Syndrome Foundation.

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