Solution for men's sexual problems is not always in a drug

21:55   24 April, 2014

A new study reminds men with erectile dysfunction that there's help out there that doesn't require a prescription: diet, exercise and other lifestyle changes, Newsmax Health reported.

Losing weight, eating better, getting more active, drinking less alcohol and getting better sleep can all help reverse problems that contribute to impotence, according to a new study published recently in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

Erectile dysfunction and low sexual desire are often linked to the development of heart disease. The researchers discovered that a large proportion of men were able to naturally overcome erectile dysfunction with heart-healthy changes -- no pharmaceutical help necessary.

For the study, data was collected from more than 800 randomly selected Australian men, 35 to 80 years old at the beginning of the study, with follow-up five years later. Sexual desire was assessed using a standard questionnaire.

Erectile function was also assessed using a standard scoring system. The researchers took factors such as height, weight, blood pressure, hand grip strength, amount of body fat, age, education, marital status, occupation and smoking behavior into account. 

People whose health habits and lifestyle improved during the study period tended to see an improvement in sexual function, the team of Freemasons Foundation Centre for Men's Health at the University of Adelaide, in Australia, reported. And the reverse was true: those whose health habits and lifestyle deteriorated during the five years were more likely to experience impotence.

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