Scientists created camera test for the diagnosis of mental illnesses

13:58   10 December, 2013

British scientists developed a ground-breaking camera test that diagnoses a range of serious mental diseases by studying patients’ eye movements, Daily Mail reports.

The revolutionary technology works using a theory more than a century old that abnormal ways of looking at objects are associated with psychosis.

The team behind it believes that it can help to differentiate schizophrenia from bipolar disorder and severe depression.

Researchers used special cameras to track the eye movements of patients as they looked at pictures on a computer screen.

Patients with schizophrenia can be seen to explore images less fully than those who do not suffer from

For patients with bipolar disorder or severe depression, there are more subtle differences.

These three conditions have similar symptoms, which make diagnosis using traditional methods difficult.

‘The eye test produces results with 95 per cent accuracy within 30 minutes for conditions that could otherwise take several years to diagnose’, said Madhu Nair, the technology entrepreneur.


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