The must know’s on measles

11:52   31 July, 2014

What it is

Measles (Rubeola) is primarily a respiratory infection caused by the measles virus. Rashes that look like large red to brown blotches cover the entire skin.

Measles may lead to such complications as pneumonia (most common), meningitis, encaphilitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, and conjunctivitis, Medical Observer says.

Its symptoms

• Runny nose

• Teary eyes

• Red eyes that become sensitive to light

• Hacking cough

• Fever

• Rash which begins on forehead then spreads to the head, neck and body

• Koplik’s spots (small reddish pinpoint spots with a white center in the inner cheeks)

Ways to prevent/treat

• A vaccine is available against measles. It is given as part of government’s Expanded Program on Immunization. It is given at seven to nine months of age of a child. Consult your pediatrician about it.

• Increase fluid intake to bring fever down and prevent the possibility of pneumonia when the virus spreads to the lungs.

• Paracematol may be given for fever.

• Use a vaporizer or steam inhaler to relieve nasty cough and soothe air passages.

• Let your child rest.

• Children with measles may go back to school around 7 days after fever and rash subside to prevent spreading this highly contagious disease.

See the doctor

• The moment you suspect measles so he can guide you in caring for your child and in watching out for signs that may suggest complications.

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