3 tips to kick-start your fitness routine

13:02   20 August, 2014

The road to fitness is paved with good intentions — but sometimes it’s hard to know how to take the first steps.

Use these simple tips to get your exercise or fitness routine moving.

1. Treat it as couples’ therapy

Working out with your spouse or significant other gives you a support system — and a healthy dose of accountability. In addition to making certain workouts more fun, having a spouse along means you can encourage each other when you hit a wall. If you aren’t in a couple, bring a buddy.

2. Seek a personal trainer

It may sound daunting, but working with a personal trainer provides both expertise and motivation that you can’t find on your own. Be sure to find a trainer who works at the right level, though. If you’re a beginner, you don’t need to work with someone who trains pro athletes.

3. Use apps and trackers honestly

From wearable technology to apps on your smartphone, there’s a world of gadgets and software designed to help you track your fitness. All can help with accountability — but you have to start by being honest with the data you feed them about weight, daily food intake, daily exercise and other variables. Data tracking is only as good as the accuracy of the data itself.

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