What kind of breakfasts can be dangerous when losing weight?

11:44   31 March, 2022

If you want to lose weight and get rid of excess belly fat, you should not start the day with confectionery, nutritionist Trista Best (USA) said.

Any dishes high in so-called fast carbohydrates will not only prevent weight loss, but may also contribute to gaining excess weight.

"Breakfast baked goods such as pre-made and packaged items for warming in a toaster, donuts and even some meal replacement bars can slow your weight loss because fat accumulation in the belly area," said the specialist.

According to Eat This, Not That!, the breakfast pastries that some people eat have little or no nutritional value and only satisfy hunger for a short time. However, they have many drawbacks, and the ingredients in them increase inflammation and can cause a spike in blood glucose levels.

Nutritionists recommend replacing baked goods with foods that are rich in protein, for example, you can eat eggs and Greek yogurt.

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