What is not recommended to eat for breakfast if you want to lose weight?

09:43   6 April, 2022

When losing weight, you should pay attention not only to physical activity, but also to breakfast, nutritionist Laura Burak (USA) said.

According to the publication Eat This, Not That!, the expert recommends limiting the consumption of foods that are not beneficial to health. In particular, when fighting with excess weight it is better to give up sweets - including during breakfast.

The worst thing, according to the nutritionist, is to eat breakfast donuts.

"Foods that consist mostly of sugar, eaten first thing in the morning, can affect blood sugar levels, feelings of hunger and cravings for food for the rest of the day," the specialist said.

For those who have a hard time giving up sweets in the morning, the nutritionist suggests adding protein foods to breakfast because they help stabilize blood sugar levels until the next meal.

Nutritionist Trista Best also advises against having a sweet breakfast, because dishes high in so-called fast carbohydrates not only prevent weight loss, but can also contribute to gaining excess weight.

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