Low blood pressure may lead to death

21:47   28 April, 2022
Cardiologist Zaur Shugushev (Russia) told what is the danger of a sudden drop in blood pressure and at what readings tonometer should call an ambulance. According to Ria.ru, the norm of blood pressure is considered 120/80, but in fact the boundaries of normal pressure is wider: according to cardiologist, the lower limit of normal pressure - 90/60, and the upper - 140/90. A sharp increase in blood pressure is extremely dangerous and can provoke a heart attack or stroke. However, a sudden drop in blood pressure is also fraught with serious risks, as it entails a disruption of the blood supply to internal organs and thus causes them irreparable damage. "A blood pressure below 90/60 is dangerous because in such a situation we have an impaired blood supply to certain organs and tissues. With a sudden drop in pressure below the norm there is a disruption of the body's nutrition. First of all, the brain suffers, because of which a person may faint. Then comes the heart, kidney and liver malfunction, "- said the specialist. According to him, it's recommended to measure the pressure if there is any weakness, dizziness, impaired coordination of movements. If the tonometer readings will be below 85/60, it is necessary to call an ambulance, as there are diseases that progress rapidly on the background of hypotension. "When the pressure is below 85/60, everything develops very quickly. If you do not call an ambulance in time, such a situation can even end in death, it all depends on the original cause that caused the pressure drop," said Shugushev.

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