Rapists can be found due to surprising DNA source

23:30   20 December, 2014

Researchers say that bacterial colonies on pubic hairs appear to be so unique to an individual that they could be used much like a fingerprint, reports Science.

Silvana Tridico and her team analyzed the DNA profiles of bacteria that live in scalp and pubic hair, and found the microbes tied to the latter to be much more "specific to certain people." Further, one couple she studied who lived together had more similar profiles 18 hours after intercourse than they did two months after living together. Researchers say  that the microbes can transfer even if hair doesn't. They say that forensic scientist can swab the victim's genital area and the suspect's genital area and see if the  the bacteria's transferred or not.

It should be noted that the results of the study are preliminary:  several questions remain, including how easily these bacteria transfer and how long they stay.

But if future studies back up these findings, forensic scientists say they could identify even rapists who wear condoms.

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