Mother gives birth to twin girls nearly two MONTHS apart

17:40   12 February, 2015

A Romanian woman has given birth to twin girls nearly two months apart, in what doctors described as a 'miracle'.

The 41-year-old woman gave birth to her first daughter in November 2014, but the other was born seven weeks later in January 2015.

This means though the babies are twins, they are born in two different calendar years

The woman had carried both babies without any problems, but began having contractions prematurely at seven months.

She gave birth to her first child naturally, and doctors expected the birth of the second twin shortly afterwards.

But to their amazement, her contractions stopped.

Earlier scans had found the twins were in different embryo sacs and had separate placentas, as is often the case for non-identical twins. 

So the doctors advised the woman to carry the second twin for longer so it could grow inside her womb.

Finally, the second twin was born in January 2015 by Caesarean section at the Cantancuzino hospital in Bucharest.

'It is extremely rare; I don't even know which medical mechanism stopped contractions for the second twin,' Dr Adrian Sorin Crăciun told Mediafax newswire.

'It was nothing short of God's miracle.'

Both babies were underweight at birth, with the first weighing slightly less than 2lbs (900g), and the second weighing 3lbs 3oz (1kg).

They stayed in hospital until the end of January, weighing 4lbs 13oz (2.2 kg) and 6lbs 6oz (2.9 kg) by the time they went home.

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