Eat watermelon to get rid of belly fat

13:30   3 August, 2015

Belly fat isn't attractive, but its worst quality is that it increases your risk for high blood pressure, diabetes, and other deadly diseases. In most of us, belly fat tends to be stubborn, but some foods can give you an advantage in your battle to banish the bulge. Watermelon, for instance, is an ideal food to melt belly fat, according to the American Dietetic Association.

A study conducted at the University of Kentucky found that drinking two glasses of watermelon juice every day for eight weeks helped people lose weight — especially belly fat — and didn't reduce muscle mass. 

The magic component may be the amino acid arginine. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that adding arginine to the diets of obese mice decreased body fat by 64 percent in only three months. 

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