4 possible causes of multiple sclerosis

23:40   22 August, 2017

No one knows for sure why people get MS. It's likely to be due to a mix of genetics and environmental and lifestyle factors. 

Some of the factors that have been suggested by NHS Choices as possible causes include:

Your genes 

MS isn't directly inherited, but people who are related to someone with the condition are more likely to develop it; the chance of a sibling or child of someone with MS also developing it is estimated to be around 2-3%.

Lack of sunlight and vitamin D 

MS is more common in countries far from the equator, which could mean that a lack of sunlight and low vitamin D levels may play a role in the condition, although it's not clear whether vitamin D supplements can help prevent MS


People who smoke are about twice as likely to develop MS compared to those who don't smoke.

Viral infections

It has been suggested that infections, particularly those caused by Epstein-Barr virus (responsible for glandular fever), might trigger the immune system, leading to MS in some people.

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