Can miscarriages be prevented?

16:27   10 December, 2017

The majority of miscarriages can't be prevented. According to NHS Choices, if a woman has suffered from more than three miscarriages, she may be able to be helped to keep her pregnancy with medication under the care of a specialist.

However, there are some things you can do to reduce the risk of a miscarriage:

Treating an identified cause

Sometimes the cause of a miscarriage can be identified. In these cases, it may be possible to have treatment to prevent this causing any more miscarriages. Some treatable causes of miscarriage are outlined below.

Antiphospholipid syndrome

Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), also known as Hughes syndrome, is a condition that causes blood clots. It can be treated with medication. Research has shown that a combination of aspirin and heparin (a medicine used to prevent blood clots) can improve pregnancy outcomes in women with the condition. 

Weakened cervix

A weakened cervix, also known as cervical incompetence, can be treated with an operation to put a small stitch of strong thread around your cervix to keep it closed. This is usually carried out after the first 12 weeks of your pregnancy, and is removed around week 37.

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