Alcohol, smoking lead to cerebellar atrophy for people aged over 50, study says

17:34   18 November, 2019

People aged over 50 who smoke and drink alcohol has accelerated processes of cerebellar degeneration begin, said scientists from the University of California at San Francisco, who conducted a large-scale study over the effects of alcohol and tobacco on the cerebellum, the brain department responsible for coordination of movements, balance, and muscle tone.

The results of the study were published at the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. The study showed that regular consumption of alcohol causes a decrease in cerebellum volume, and if a person also smokes, cerebellar atrophy is much faster, because tobacco exacerbates the effect of alcohol.

Degradation of the cerebellum, according to experts, is expressed in weakening of muscle tone, slow movement, in increasing tremor and difficulties in maintaining balance.

Scientists were convinced that if a person has no serious diseases of the brain, prolonged abstinence from alcohol and smoking can almost completely restore the function of the cerebellum inhibited by drinking.

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