700 worms found in brain and lungs of uncooked meat lover

19:24   28 November, 2019

Seventy hundred tapeworms were found in the brain of Zhu Zhongfa from China, Daily Mail reported

The man ate a hot dish of pork in October which was not sufficiently cooked and in which there were larvae of pork tapeworm. He went to the hospital complaining of frequent fainting and seizures. He had an MRI of the brain and chest, which helped to detect hundreds of parasites there.

According to doctors, the larvae of the worms entered the male body through the stomach, and then through the bloodstream to the brain.

“We killed the larvae using antiparasitic drugs and prescribed medication to protect his organs and reduce any side effects brought on by the treatment,” Dr Huang noted adding: “Phase one of the treatment has now concluded after a successful week. Now we'll run further tests.”

The current state of the patient is not specified. 

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