Risk of dying from COVID-19 disproportionately high in middle-aged people with diabetes, study claims

11:16   9 February, 2021

Middle-aged people with type 2 diabetes are disproportionately more at risk of dying from COVID-19 than patients of other ages, said scientists from the University of Exeter.

The results of the study may prompt experts to reconsider the issue of priority groups for COVID-19 vaccination.

According to EurekAlert!, although the actual risk is not very high in absolute terms, middle-aged people with diabetes are much more vulnerable than people of the same age without diabetes. A 50-year-old patient with type 2 diabetes has the same chance of dying from COVID-19 as a 66-year-old person without diabetes. However, this difference narrows with age: a 70-year-old with diabetes and a 78-year-old without diabetes are also likely to die.

Although people with non-insulin-dependent diabetes are a priority group for vaccination in the UK and Germany, they are not considered high-risk groups in many other countries.

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