How to get rid of chubby cheeks: Tips from experts

14:48   1 December, 2022

To get rid of chubby cheeks, you need to reduce your salt intake, suggests nutritionist Mike Bohl. He and fitness trainer Anthony Jung identified some simple ways to reduce facial volume in a piece for Eat This, Not That!

According to Bohl, in most cases it is impossible to lose weight locally because weight is lost evenly throughout the body. However, some people have fat deposits that are localized to certain areas, particularly the face. To get a clearer facial contour, a nutritionist recommends following simple rules:

To get rid of excess weight in the facial area, fitness trainer Anthony Jung advised doing cardio workouts two to three times a week and doing exercises with weights. According to him, it is important to eat healthy and wholesome food 80 percent of the time, and in the remaining 20 percent you can indulge yourself with your favorite delicacies. It is important to avoid convenience foods.

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