90-year-old woman reveals secret of her youthful appearance

15:38   14 January, 2023

A 90-year-old Canadian woman, Edna May, has revealed the secret of her appearance and told how to look younger. Her story is published by the Daily Mirror.

According to her, strangers often don't believe it when they find out her real age. People assume she's no more than 60-70. May attributes this to her lifestyle and activity, which is rare for people her age.

The woman started actively exercising when she turned 60 in order to stay awake, mobile and not dependent on others for as long as possible. She likes Pilates, simple exercises with dumbbells and cardio workouts. In addition, the woman spends a lot of time outdoors, caring for her garden.

May's daughter Daleece Radtke, 58, also enjoys fitness and makes training videos for women over 50. She once got her mother involved in filming one of the videos. Viewers were delighted: They admired her activity and appearance.

Both women hope May's example will help people change the way they think about ageing and aging.

Aging is inevitable, but the number of years lived should not limit what you can do or achieve, the mother and daughter concluded.

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