Itching may be early sign of pancreatic cancer

21:12   13 February, 2023

Itching can warn of a deadly disease: pancreatic cancer, claims Dr. Deborah Lee, the study was published in Express.

Pancreatic cancer is known to have no warning symptoms until the tumor gets too big. This cancer is quite difficult to treat and has a low survival rate, so it's important to watch for body signals.

According to Deborah Lee, depending on the location of the cancerous tumor, it can be itchy even in the early stages of the disease.

"Whether itching is an early or late sign of pancreatic cancer depends on where the tumor develops. If the severe condition begins in the caudal part of the organ, itching may occur later. However, in 65 percent of cases, the disease starts in the head, so itching can occur early," the doctor notes.

When pancreatic cancer starts in its head, it can squeeze the bile ducts early on, blocking the passage of bile to the intestines and leading to jaundice with itching. Moreover, itching is a common symptom of pancreatic cancer, which affects 80 to 100 percent of patients with jaundice.

According to a study published in the Official Journal of the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association, this characteristic sign of pancreatic cancer, accompanied by itching, occurs in about 75 percent of patients.

Although itching by itself may not necessarily indicate cancer, there are other accompanying signs that can help identify the deadly disease.

In patients with pancreatic cancer, itching appears with jaundice and signs that can be seen on the toilet.

Patients notice that their stools become pale and their urine is darker in color. The stool may look greasy and float in the toilet and be difficult to flush. If you notice that your skin is turning yellow, you have pale stools and dark urine, you need to see a general practitioner right away, notes the medical professional.

Other pancreatic cancer symptoms to be aware of:

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