Stem cell donor met with toddler whose life he saved

16:20   1 April, 2016

Little Olly Walls giggles with joy as he’s lifted high into the air by the stranger who saved his life.

But for stem cell donor Luke Munro and three-year old Olly’s parents, their first ever meeting was much more emotional.

The lively toddler is blissfully unaware that just two years ago, he faced death if a donor could not be found to help treat the rare disease attacking his immune system.

But for mum Jennifer and Roger this was the miracle they had prayed for since their son was born.

While Olly was on chemo, roofer Luke, 26, from Rochdale, saw a TV documentary about sick bucket-list teen, Alice Pyne.

He was so moved by the campaigning schoolgirl’s story he registered as a stem cell donor in the hope of saving a youngster like her.

Now, unlike Alice who charmed the nation with her positivity before her death from Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in 2013, Olly’s future looks brighter than ever.

As they met for the first time Jennifer said: “We can never thank you enough. Without you, our son wouldn’t be here today. You literally gave him the gift of life.”

Luke was visibly taken aback as he saw Olly for the first time. Shaking nervously and fighting back the tears he gazed at the energetic youngster whose life he saved.

Olly handed him an Easter card he painted himself and Luke gave him an egg.

Luke said: “It’s fantastic to finally meet him. I’ve always wondered how he turned out and what he looked like. I’ve thought about him so much over the last three years.”

Jennifer added: “He wouldn’t be here without you. We owe you everything. We can’t put into words how eternally grateful we are.”

GP manager Jennifer, 41, from Dunfermline, said Olly became ill with hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in August 2012 when he was just four weeks old.

She said: “He started chemo when he was just eight weeks old. It was heartbreaking seeing him wired up to so many machines. And due to his immunity being so low, he spent months in isolation.”

His sister, Lexi, now seven and brother, Cory, five, could only see their new brother from behind a glass screen.

Jennifer said: “Then when Olly was four months old his body started to shut down as his organs were so weak after all the treatment.

“We thought we were going to lose him and the doctors asked us to consider turning off the life support machines.

“It was then we were told Olly needed a bone marrow transplant as soon as possible.”

He was put on the Anthony Nolan Register and within three months Luke was found as his “perfect match”.

“When I got the call that I could be a suitable candidate, I was delighted.”

Just five days after a four-hour extraction, 70ml of Luke’s bone marrow was given to Olly.

Within a month Jennifer and oil rig electrician, Roger, 46, couldn’t believe the difference in their son.

He said: “He went from being wired up to machines lying lifeless on a bed to chatting and smiling away.”

Both the family and Luke were happy to be put in touch by Anthony Nolan after exchanging emails.

“We now want Luke to remain a big part of Olly’s life, as without him, our son wouldn’t be here. A little bit of Luke lives in Olly and we’d like them to become close,” Jennifer said.

Luke added: “I couldn’t think of anything better. It would be an honour.”

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