Today is World Hemophilia Day

April 17, 2014  10:19

April 17 is celebrated as World Hemophilia Day.

This international observance was first held by the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) and World Health Organization (WHO). They chose April 17 because WHF founder Frank Schnabel was born on this very day.

The main purpose of celebrating this day is to attract people’s attention to the problems of those who suffer from hemophilia. It is also an awareness day not only for hemophilia and but for other bleeding disorders, too, so this day also serves to raise funds and attract volunteers for the WFH.

Hemophilia (also spelled haemophilia) is a hereditary genetic disorder that impairs the body's ability to control blood clotting. So when a vessel is injured, the body cannot stop bleeding, so the person can bleed for hours or even days. In areas such as the brain or inside joints, such bleedings can be really dangerous or even fatal.

Hemophilia is more likely to occur in males than females, so females are almost exclusively asymptomatic carriers of the disorder and can give birth to sons who suffer from this disease.

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