Educated people with memory problems have a stroke

December 15, 2014  20:21

People who have a university education could be at greater risk of a stroke. In a study published in Stroke, they were found to have a 39% greater risk of stroke compared with those with a lower level of education. The researchers think this could be because their early defences against cognitive decline have been eroded.

Around 9,000 people in Rotterdam were tracked over 20 years. They were all healthy and aged 55 and over. In a questionnaire, participants were asked if they had any issues with their memory. By 2012, 1,134 strokes had occurred among the study group. After analysing the results, researchers from Erasmus University Rotterdam found an increased risk of stroke in people who had earlier complained of memory lapses. But the risk of stroke was even higher if participants had a high level of education, defined as higher vocational education or university training. Arfan Ikram, associate professor of neuroepidemiology at Erasmus University, said that education was a good indicator of the brain's ability to fight against cognitive damage, such as dementia. This ability, known as cognitive reserve, is usually built up during childhood and early adulthood, and is thought to protect against damage to the brain.

He said: "In people with a high level of education, it takes longer for the brain to be damaged and for dementia to occur.

Actually, memory problems can be an important warning sign in this sub-group, "telling you to keep a watch on this person".

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