How to recognize the aging of hair

April 20, 2014  20:09

To keep our hair beautiful as we age, we need to provide special care, because  over time, fibers become thinner and begin to drop out — and never regenerate. Pigment cells stop producing as much pigment. Hormones that help stimulate follicle fibers diminish. Then, of course, there’s damage from chemicals used in hair dye.

But there are steps that women can take after menopause to offset these natural changes, says dermatologist Wilma Bergfeld, MD on Health Cleveland “You can do a lot to strengthen and repair your hair for a thicker, more lustrous sheen, she says. Dr. Bergfeld offers these tips to love your hair at any age:

1. Wash less frequently

Don’t overdo shampoo, but you should wash your scalp at least twice per week. Use the type of shampoo that best suits your hair type.

2. Don’t forget conditioners

They work like a splint to strengthen your hair, providing more volume. 

3. If you color your hair, use the right products

Be sure to protect your hair with shampoos or conditioners made specifically for color-treated hair.

4. Eat a complete diet

Be sure you are eating enough overall. “As you age, you start to eat smaller portions because your taste level goes down, and you become nutritionally deficient,” Dr. Bergfeld says. “Usually, when a person says, ‘I’m on a healthy diet,’ they’re on a restricted diet.”

5. Don’t skim on protein

Dr. Bergfeld suggests women eat a little bit of low-fat red meat a couple of times a week. 

6. Check medications with your doctor

Talk to your doctor about how any of your medications could affect your hair, and ask for advice on how to help counteract negative effects

“There’s no one who has the hair at 60 or 70 that they had at 15,” Dr. Bergfeld says. ”That’s why it’s important to take care of your hair as you age.”

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