New development may save from death due to cytokine storm (PHOTOS)

April 20, 2021  17:10

Scientists at the University of Texas have developed the SWEATSENSER Dx, a portable device that analyzes a person's sweat and detects signs of an impending cytokine storm - a deadly immune response.

According to The Daily Mail, these are sensor strips with antibodies that respond to pro-inflammatory proteins. The sensor strips contain antibodies to 7 pro-inflammatory proteins.

The development was believed on six healthy volunteers and five volunteers with influenza and another virus that can cause a cytokine storm. Two of the patients had elevated cytokine levels. In general, cytokines were detected in sweat in all volunteers.

According to the developers, it is important that the measurements are taken at rest since physical activity itself can change the level of cytokines. The sensors are very sensitive, and very little sweat is required for analysis - you don't have to sweat on purpose.

Experiments showed that the SWEATSENSER Dx was sensitive enough to measure cytokines in patients taking anti-inflammatory drugs that reduce levels of inflammation and the concentration of inflammatory markers in sweat. The device monitored cytokine levels for 168 hours. Next, it was necessary to replace the sensor strip.

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