Which drink lowers blood sugar?

February 5, 2022  15:45

Type 2 diabetes has a negligible impact on your life if you take steps to manage the condition. Stabilizing blood sugar levels is central to the effort. In an otherwise healthy body, insulin regulates blood sugar, but this mechanism is hampered if you have type 2 diabetes.

Diet provides a substitute for poor insulin production, taming blood sugar levels which rise in response to eating.

It does this via two means: by boosting insulin production and slowing down the rate at which blood sugar levels rise after eating.

Research published in the journal Nutrition & Food Science suggests drinking sour cherry juice produces these effects, Express reported.

According to the researchers involved in the study, "it has been found that sour cherries contain high levels of anthocyanins that possess insulin‐releasing stimulatory properties."

Anthocyanins are pigments found in cherries that give them their red color.

This insight prompted the researchers to investigate whether concentrated sour cherry juice improves blood sugar parameters in type 2 subjects.

For the study, 19 diabetic women with fasting blood sugar were recruited from patients referred to the Diabetes Clinic of Shariati Hospital.

Fasting blood sugar measures average blood sugar levels after an overnight fast.

Subjects were asked to consume 40 grams of sour cherry juice daily for six weeks.

Before the onset of the study and after six weeks, weight and blood pressure measurements were done and fasting blood samples were drawn. Fasting blood sugar, HbA1c (your average blood sugar levels for the last two to three months) and blood lipid profiles were also measured.

In addition, a 24-hour food record was taken from all of the individuals in both stages.

After six weeks' consumption of sour cherry juice, "significant reductions" in body weight, blood pressure and HbA1c were seen, the researchers wrote.

What's more, LDL cholesterol levels "decreased significantly" in a subgroup of patients.

A build-up of LDL cholesterol - a waxy substance found in blood - can increase your risk of heart disease.

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