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UK woman has huge hole in her leg due to wrong diagnosis by doctors

May 18, 2024  18:28

UK woman Megan Greaves visited a therapist for ten years to find answers to her questions, The Sun reports.

Ten years later, a huge hole appeared on the woman's leg, which doctors attributed to "scaly skin" and psoriasis.

The first to raise an alarm about Megan's condition was her grandmother, June, whom the woman considers her savior since then.

June insisted that Megan go to another therapist for a diagnosis, and only then was she referred to a dermatologist.

In September 2016, at the age of 28, Megan was diagnosed with melanoma, the deadliest type of skin cancer.

Since then, Megan has undergone two surgeries to remove the cancerous mole and make sure the disease has not spread to her lymph nodes.

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