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Tattoos increase risk of lymphoma, new study finds

May 29, 2024  00:26

A new study has shown that tattoos can become a serious threat to health. Due to the lack of research in this regard, Lund University in Sweden decided to study the long-term effects of tattoos on health.

Christel Nielsen, who led the study, said their team studied a large group of 11,905 people to find out more about the link between tattoos and lymphoma.

Lymphoma is a “rare” blood cancer which spreads from white blood cells to a network of organs that help the body fight infections.

They found people diagnosed with lymphoma through population registries, says Nielsen. The study participants answered a questionnaire about lifestyle factors so they could determine whether or not they had tattoos. And out of these 11,905 people, 2,938 were diagnosed with lymphoma at the age of 20-60.

In the group with lymphoma, 21 percent (289 people) had a tattoo, while in the control group without a diagnosis of lymphoma, 18 percent (735 people) had a tattoo.

Researchers have come to the conclusion that the size of the tattoo can increase the risk of developing lymphoma, and that it is not important on which part of the body the tattoo is.

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