How crying can help you LOSE WEIGHT

July 23, 2016  23:40

According to an expert, crying is not only an emotional release – but it can actually help you shift some extra pounds.

We tend to try and hold tears in… but there’s evidence crying could be good for you in a way you’d NEVER imagined.

It’s all down to the body getting rid of the hormone cortisol, the stress hormone which can make you feel panicked and cause your body to cling onto belly fat.

So having reduced cortisol levels, through crying, should make you happier and weight loss easier.

Stress expert Dr Pete Sulack told Pop Sugar: “In addition to being a good emotional and psychological release and a way to deal with intense emotion, crying is also good for reducing stress levels in the body.”

Meanwhile, a study at the St Paul-Ramsey Medical Centre, in Minnesota, found that tears actually contain stress hormones.

According to Dr Sulack, these are a combination of two protein-based hormones (prolactin and adrenocorticotropic) and one natural painkiller (encephalin) – all of which the body produces when it’s under a lot of stress.

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