In hair dyes revealed a deadly component

July 31, 2018  15:00

Modern hair coloring is infinitely versatile opportunities for those who decided to change his style. But is it safe for health? The hypothesis is that frequent hair coloring leading to cancer confirmed by a recent study conducted by British scientists from the clinic, Princess Grace Hospital, situated in London.The results of the work, which was led by Professor Kevan Mokbel, unveiled on the pages of The Times.Previously, scientists had theorized about the relationship of frequent hair coloring with the development of breast cancer, however, the proof was found only recently.The level of risk is significantly increased by not less than 14% if women expose their hair the staining procedure six times per year.In the experiment, the experts analyzed data from case histories of patients suffering from this type of cancer, coming to the conclusion about the harmfulness of synthetic substances that are included in hair dyes.They found that the epithelial tissue of the scalp is able to absorb these toxic substances, accumulating their regular coloring, and in the end, it threatens the fairer sex breast cancer.

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