Teen who went to bed with 'flat stomach' wakes up and gives birth in 45 minutes

April 5, 2019  12:01

A teenager who went to bed with a 'flat stomach' was stunned when she woke up with a surprise baby bump - and gave birth just 45 minutes later.

Emmalouise Leggate, 18, had been on the pill and claims she had no idea she was pregnant for the second time until she woke up with a baby bump.

She and her grandma Louise Ford, 63, rushed to hospital but the labour happened so quickly that Emmalouise gave birth in the hospital car park just three quarters of an hour after discovering the bump.

The stay-at-home mum claims she had no morning sickness or food cravings, never felt her daughter kick and put her absent periods down to being on the pill.

Doctors reportedly thought that Ciara Louise Lamont, now eight months old, was full-term when she was born.

They put the lack of bump down to the baby being positioned in her back.

Luckily Emmalouise's new daughter was born happy and healthy, weighing 7lbs 12oz on July 17 2018.

The new mum and partner Sean Lamont, 19, embraced becoming parents for a second time.

Emmalouise, from Glasgow, said: "I was really shocked afterwards. It didn't feel real.

"My nanna was in that much shock that she didn't want to believe it. We were really lucky she was okay.

"I hadn't taken a pregnancy test, I had no symptoms, nothing. Nothing at all.

"The doctors couldn't explain why I didn't have a bump. They just told me that she must have been sitting in my lower back and that it is quite common."

For the entire duration of her pregnancy Emmalouise didn't pick up on a single signal she was prenant.

"People tend to find out around their 20-week scan once the baby starts to kick, but Ciara never kicked, I never felt her do it," she added.

"I never had any morning sickness or cravings either, nothing like that.

"At the start [of using the pill] I was bleeding a little bit, but then my periods just stopped altogether so I just thought that it was the pill."

As for the slight weight gain, Emmalouise did not connect it with being pregnant.

She continued: "I had no bump. I had put on a bit of weight, so my mum was suggesting we go out walking and do different things to burn it off because I kept going on about my weight.

"The weight was across my full body, more in my arms, legs and face than anywhere else. My stomach never grew.

"But I gave birth to Ciara. It was a really quick labour.

"It was quite a neat bump. It was very small and all at the top - I'm guessing she'd just turned."

The teenager, who was living at home with her mum Jackie Ford and one-year-old daughter Caoimhe Lamont at the time, was shocked when the bump appeared overnight.

Jackie called up Louise who drove her granddaughter to hospital and even helped her give birth to Ciara in the backseat of the car.

The proud mum gave Ciara the middle name 'Louise' after the role her doting great-grandmother, who sadly passed away in October, played in her birth.

Emmalouise said: "The bump popped out literally out of the blue that one morning. I had woken up and you could tell it was a bump. It was dead high up.

"My Nanna kept saying 'it's definitely a baby but I don't think you're ready to give birth just now because of how high up you are'.

"By the time I got in the car the contractions were coming every two minutes and then my water broke.

"We had just parked up outside the hospital and my nanna was saying, 'wait five minutes, can you not just wait five minutes?' and I just couldn't.

"As soon as she was born, my nanna was in so much shock, but luckily enough she had a big cover in the back and we managed to wrap her up in that."

The proud great-grandma then walked through the streets stopping people to introduce the newest addition to the family.

"She kept stopping people in the street saying, 'that's my great-granddaughter, look how gorgeous she is'," Emmalouise said.

Source: mirror.co.uk

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