Parents drive 5,000 kilometers to protect albino twins from sun

August 18, 2019  12:15

Parents drove 5 thousand kilometers from Arizona to Maine to protect the albino twins from the sun, Fox News reported.

According to the source, Ally and Ryan McNallen moved to Presque Isle, Maine with their twin sons — Aldridge and Argon. Their new home is located nearly 3,000 miles away from their former home in Gilbert, Ariz.

Despite the mild climate of Maine, parents watch for additional protection for the kids when they go out.

According to Ally, she always protects her twins with hats, sunglasses, SPF and protective clothing when outside.

Twins albinism was diagnosed due to nystagmus - involuntary oscillatory eye movements of high frequency. Usually albinos have visual impairment, including due to an underdeveloped retina.

Aldridge and Argon are already 18 months old and they are growing up with five more children.

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