Why do ex-smokers return to smoking again?

August 22, 2019  15:14

Scientists from the Columbia University in the City of New York (US) said why many ex-smokers are returning to smoking again, American Journal of Preventive Medicine reported.

Specialists analyzed data from over 67 thousand Americans under 18. They all give up smoking between 2005 and 2016. It turned out that after this step they began to smoke marijuana more often, abuse alcohol and suffer from depression.

If we compare the periods of smoking and giving up cigarettes, the incidence of depression among the subjects increased from 4.88% to 6.04%, cases of alcohol abuse in just a month from 17.22% to 22.33%, and the frequency episodes of smoking marijuana per year increases from 5.35% to 10.09%.

According to researchers, a similar picture indicates high risks of the return of ex-smokers to tobacco smoking.

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