Scientists propose unexpected way to treat Parkinson's disease

September 19, 2019  09:34

A drug that was previously used to treat prostate hyperplasia can be very effective against Parkinson's disease, BBC reported.

Terazosin is a medicine against benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). It is an alpha-blocker and affects the muscles associated with the bladder and prostate.

As it turned out, this drug also inhibits the development of parkinsonism, protecting brain cells from destruction. By activating the PGK1 enzyme, it produces a neuroprotective effect, as researchers at the University of Iowa and the Beijing Institute of Brain Disorders have proven.

When the drug was administered to rodents, the loss of neurons slowed down. Scientists judged the effect of the drug on humans based on the analysis of medical records of patients with parkinsonism and the history of taking funds aimed at PGK1. The analysis proved the positive effect of the drug.

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