Soups can be healthy against deadly diseases

November 21, 2019  10:54

Some meat and vegetable soups can interrupt the life cycle of the dangerous parasite Plasmodium falciparum, which causes malaria, said scientists from Imperial College London.

According to a medical press release on MedicalXpress, the researchers analyzed samples of 56 home-made broths, the recipes of which were passed down from generation to generation and were used to treat fever. The filtered extracts were incubated for 72 hours with various cultures of P. falciparum. It turned out that five broths can actually inhibit the reproduction of the parasite by 50%, blocking puberty.

The composition of soups, which have shown effectiveness in the fight against malaria, has varied, so scientists do not yet know which ingredients may be useful. They will be identified in future studies and tested in clinical trials. 

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