Orange mask, immunomodulators, vodka disinfection: The most meaningless methods of protection against coronavirus

February 10, 2020  15:37

There are a lot of strange tips on how to protect oneself from being infected with the new 2019-nCoV coronavirus.

The recommendations against coronavirus are very different: from daily use of prophylactic 'check-in' of vodka to homemade masks made from halves of grapefruit or oranges, AiF reported.

All of these methods are, of course, ineffective. Let’s figure out why.

Orange masks

Some people use a half orange as a mask that they put on a face like a medical one. This is completely meaningless: the fact is that essential oils, including orange, are not effective against coronavirus. Such masks do not provide a snug fit to the face, and the infection can easily enter through unprotected areas.

Other home-made masks from plastic bottles and other items also do not have evidence of effectiveness, therefore, according to experts, it is most appropriate to use N95 masks, as well as wash hands regularly and be careful.

Disinfection of household items with vodka

Vodka contains only about 40% alcohol, so using it to disinfect anything is completely pointless: most viruses, including coronavirus, will calmly survive the treatment with vodka.

According to experts, only liquids in which the alcohol concentration is at least 70% are suitable for disinfection.


There is no scientific evidence of the effectiveness of immunomodulators - both for prevention and for the treatment of any disease. The recommendations of the World Health Organization also do not include the use of immunomodulators, so you should not spend money on such drugs.

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