At what signs of Omicron in children should ambulance be called?

February 15, 2022  14:09

The Omicron strain of coronavirus affects children more often than previous strains and also causes more complications in children. For some symptoms in infected children, an ambulance should be called, according to anesthesiologist and rheumatologist Zoya Andreeva.

According to KP.RU, it is necessary to call a doctor if a child has a high temperature, but his extremities are cold. Also, specialists should be called for fainting spells and cramps of any nature, as well as for fever in a child under one year of age.

Andreeva says that a child's unusual behavior with a high fever may also indicate the presence of serious problems. Also, doctors should be called if the child has a rash and repeated vomiting, as well as liquid stools for more than a day.

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