Signs and dangers of excess or deficiency of hormones in body

April 30, 2022  15:23
Weight gain and brittle nails may be a sign of hormone deficiency, while hand tremors and photophobia may indicate excess, endocrinologist Veronika Ochirova (Russia) said. In an article for "Doctor Peter", the specialist noted that those hormones which regulate metabolism and the body as a whole are very important, and if there is too little or too much of them, it can be dangerous to health. For example, a lack of thyroid hormones can indicate such symptoms as weight gain, hair loss, brittle nails, headaches, insomnia, dry and flaky skin, lower blood pressure, menstrual irregularities, rapid fatigability and depressed mood. According to the specialist, excess thyroid hormones can manifest as symptoms such as hand tremors, photophobia, muscle weakness, dry or excessive watery eyes, irritability, fears for no apparent reason or weight loss with a good appetite. Cortisol (or stress hormone) is another important hormone to watch. It protects against increased anxiety and helps the body adapt to new conditions. In its excess, fat deposits appear on the face, abdomen and chest, blood pressure rises, skin darkens on the neck, elbows and armpits, and stretch marks appear. Lack of this hormone leads to lethargy and lack of energy, a craving for salty foods, and a brown line around the lips.

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