Several seemingly useful tips

January 4, 2015  13:05

There are a lot of advices and recommendations for leading a healthy lifestyle, but you should follow the ones that your organism really needs. Here are some tips which are not useful any more after some new researches.

1. “Breakfast Is The Most Important Meal Of The Day.”

Few things are guaranteed in this world, but for a long time, breakfast was guaranteed to be the best meal of the day. Breakfast-eaters reduce risk for disease, and positively impact their overall health, compared to those who skip their morning meals.

One study found those who skipped breakfast didn’t gain any more weight than those who ate it. The second study found breakfast-skippers’ cholesterol and blood sugar levels, as well as their metabolic rates, didn’t fluctuate — suggesting breakfast is simply another meal. In this case you are to decide yourself.

2. “Count Calories For Weight Loss.”

Counting your calories used to be staple advice for someone trying to lose weight, but a new study suggests calories don’t impact weight as much as “metabolically disruptive foods” do. For instance, we can’t compare calories from corn syrup and the ones from vegetables.

3. “Exercise And Eat Right.”

This piece of advice is often given to people but new studies consider it very boring.  Exercise with what? How often? And what does “eat right” even mean? Remember that health isn’t universal. Hitting the gym six days a week for hour-long sessions and only eating meat once a month may work for "person A", but this could be boring to lean meat-eating "person B". So not everybody needs this piece of advice and it depends on the organism, that is workout and the so called ‘eat right’ is very personal.

4. “Egg Whites And Turkey Bacon Are Healthy Alternatives.”

It has turned out people make a mistake by eating egg whites and staying away from yolks. The latter is rich in essential fatty acids, and vitamins A, E, D, and K, while egg whites offer protein and not much else.

Specialists say turkey isn’t the right healthy option either, as it doesn’t contain iron or phosphorous.

“5. Wear Tight Clothes To Dinner.”

Very often holiday foods may seem so tempting that we can’t over eating. Some specialists advise to wear tight clothes so that you can’t eat physically. Maybe this works, but it makes people overly anxious. Is this too much? Will my dress rip if I eat this scoop of mashed potatoes? So, preparing a dish yourself ensures a healthy option, or you can just regulate your menu.

5. Eat 4-6 Small Meals A Day.”

There's a lot of talk surrounding the number of meals a person should eat each day. A new study has shown that eating two large meals per day led to more weight loss than eating more frequently. However, listen to your body, which, admittedly, is another vague piece of advice. But a lot of specialists do a great job of breaking down what that means.

6. “Never [Insert Advice Here].”

A wise person once said, “I will never say never!” This wise person may have been Justin Bieber but that’s beside the point. The point is, a headline that tells you never to do something, whether it’s eat a certain food or buy a certain product, is aggressive. So any hot health tip will work for you if it's what your body needs. Don’t limit your body with “nevers” and choose the healthy lifestyle appropriate and necessary for your body.

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