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Is your mobile interfering with your sex life? Study

April 7, 2014  21:49

It's well known that mobiles can kill the moment - just as you lean in to make the next move, your phone rings or a work email flashes up that you just can't resist checking.

But mobile phones might be having a more sinister effect on our love lives, according to new research, reports Daily Mail.

Scientists found that men who hold their mobiles for more than four hours a day are more likely to suffer from impotence than those who limit usage to less than two hours.

For the study, researchers recruited 20 men who had experienced problems with erectile function in the six months prior to the study, known as Group A. They also studied 10 healthy men with no history of dysfunction, known as Group B.

They were also surveyed about their mobile phone habits.

The men who had previously suffered from erectile problems were found to carry their devices for a ‘significantly longer time’ than the healthy men in Group B - 4.4 hours a day compared to 1.8 hours a day.

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