Coronavirus much more widespread, Los Angeles study suggests

April 21, 2020  21:32

Coronavirus is far more widespread than current testing shows and the death rate is much lower, MedicalXpress reported referring to the scientists from the University of Southern California.

Specialists found that approximately 4.1% of the Los Angeles County adult population has antibodies to the virus. Taking into account the error, the infection level ranged from 2.8 to 5.6%, and this is about 220-440,000 adults.

Although some experts were skeptical of these indicators, the study confirms the findings of other scientists, according to which there are a huge number of infected people who have no symptoms or feel only mild ailment, and they are not taken into account in statistics.

Besides, tests that have been used by specialists can often lead to false-positive/negative results.

According to experts, even if 4% of the district’s population is infected, this means that the epidemic is at an early stage of development, and even more, people could potentially become infected.

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