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How can human immunity reduce effectiveness of antibiotics taken?

March 19, 2021  19:17

A molecule made by the human immune system can seriously reduce the effectiveness of some antibiotics, research at the School of Biosciences, University of Kent, noted.

This may explain why antibiotics are often effective in a laboratory setting, but not as effective in treating infections in humans.

The results of the study, published in the journal Archives of Microbiology, show that nitric oxide, a molecule produced by the human immune system, may render aminoglycoside antibiotics ineffective when used against E. coli strains isolated from human infections.

This work highlights the urgent need for a better understanding of how the human immune system can profoundly influence antibiotic activity, which is important for future treatments for multidrug-resistant bacterial infections Dr. Mark Shepherd, one of the study's authors, noted.

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