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Who is contraindicated to wear contact lenses?

May 27, 2022  09:37

Contact lenses, like any medicine, have contraindications that depend on the condition of the eye, an ophthalmologist Vyacheslav Kurenkov told NEWS.ru.

According to him, before wearing lenses you should make an appointment with a specialist and undergo an examination, in particular to see how the secretory system of the eye functions, in other words how it is moisturized. The specialist noted that those who have eye disease or have had any injuries should not wear lenses.

"If a patient has had trauma, especially to the cornea, you can't pick up a lens in that condition, because there will be restrictions. Although in some cases, special scleral contact lenses are prescribed to help correct if there are any traumatic corneal problems," the doctor explained.

Other limitations, according to the specialist, are inflammatory diseases of the eye, which may be temporary or permanent. If a patient wears lenses not for daily replacement, but for long-term use, such lenses should be treated daily and removed at night. It is imperative that the eyes rest without contact lenses and recover.

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