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Ministry of Health of Armenia: Breast cancer screening program will be expanded to cover the whole country

February 1, 2024  16:52

The breast cancer screening program will expand to cover the whole country and all regions.  This was stated by the Head of the Medical Care Policy Department of the Ministry of Health of Armenia, Knar Gonyan, in a conversation with journalists on February 1.

She added that the pilot program of colorectal cancer screening will also be expanded.

According to her, a working group has been formed, which will decide on the form in which the screenings will be implemented in order to increase efficiency and involvement of target groups.

Gonyan recalled that in 2023, a bonus system for screening was implemented, there is an increase, although the specific weight is not very high.

"From 2019, in the case of a diagnosed malignant tumor, the state assumes all costs in terms of surgical measures.

The state also assumes the costs of radiation therapy and co-finances chemotherapy. In addition, as of 2020, the state will provide trastuzumab free of charge for those who need it during the entire course of treatment. If a few years ago our citizens had to go abroad for positron emission tomography, now it is done in Armenia," the representative of the Ministry of Health noted.

According to her assessment, Armenia is one of the smoking countries, and the fight against smoking is also directed against the development of malignant tumors.

She pointed out the importance of vaccination, especially in the fight against cervical cancer.

"Physical activity is also important, as a preventive measure it is also important to monitor excess weight, to exclude the intake of unhealthy food," Gonyan emphasized.

She noted that often the population is not ready to be examined, probably does not want to hear about a possible disease, so it is important to conduct information work among citizens.

Mammologist and cancer surgeon Nerses Berberyan, in his turn, stated that if it is not possible to dispel women's fear to be examined, no screening will be fully realized.

He explained that if breast cancer is diagnosed early, the disease is fully treated in almost all cases.

Therefore, Berberian advised to be screened once a year for preventive purposes.

"All the world-known treatments for breast cancer are available in Armenia, all the latest diagnostic methods and drugs are also available. All this allows treating patients in Armenia according to all international standards," the doctor concluded.

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