A world of skin care: Exploring Dr. Maria Novosartyan’s dermatological journey and all you need to know about hyperpigmentation

June 12, 2024  12:05

In the medical community, Dr. Maria Novosartyan is distinguished not only by her profound expertise in dermatology but also by her impactful international experiences and unwavering dedication to patient care. Having trained and worked in various parts of the world, Dr. Novosartyan brings a unique perspective to dermatology that combines innovative treatments with a deep commitment to community outreach. Currently focusing her efforts in the U.S., she offers insights into her dynamic career and her plans for the future.

Educational roots and passion for dermatology

Dr. Novosartyan's medical journey commenced at Yerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi, where she obtained her medical degree. Her passion for dermatology developed during her residency at the First Moscow State Medical University after I.M. Sechenov in Moscow. Fascinated by the complexity of skin diseases and their profound impact on patients' lives, Dr. Novosartyan was drawn to the field for its intellectual challenges and the visible results it yields. Dr. Novosartyan's dedication to continuous learning and professional development has seen her participate in numerous international conferences and workshops, where she has both shared her expertise and gained valuable insights from global leaders in dermatology. Dr. Novosartyan is a member of several prestigious dermatological associations, including the American Academy of Dermatology, the Armenian Association of Dermatologists and Venereologists, the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology and the Russian Society of Dermatologists and Venereologists. Her involvement in these academic forums and associations has kept her at the forefront of advancements in dermatological research and treatment.

International experience and cultural competence

A significant chapter in her career was her two-year tenure in China, a move prompted by both personal and professional reasons. This period was crucialfor broadening her clinical and cultural competencies, allowing her to adapt her expertise to meet diverse patient needs and integrate innovative practices into her treatment repertoire. Her ability to integrate global best practices with local treatment protocols not only improved patient outcomes but also set new standards in the clinics where she worked. This period was marked by significant professional growth, as she adapted to different healthcare systems and patient expectations. Dr. Novosartyan experienced no language barriers during her tenure at a renowned clinic, thanks to her proficiency in five languages and the support of a personal assistant who also served as a translator from Chinese. This robust language support system facilitated seamless communication with a diverse patient base, enhancing patient interactions and highlighting the importance of cultural sensitivity in dermatology.

Volunteer work and medical solidarity

Her commitment to public health was further demonstrated during her maternity leave in Armenia, where she volunteered with COVID-19 patients. This experience reinforced her dedication to medical accessibility and the importance of healthcare solidarity, particularly during global health crises. Her volunteer work extended beyond clinical settings; Dr. Novosartyan also engaged in community education programs, helping to raise awareness about skin health and preventive care among underserved populations. Her efforts were particularly focused on educating young people about the risks of unprotected sun exposure and the importance of early detection of skin abnormalities.

Community Engagement

Dr. Novosartyan`s work with the Armenian diaspora of Russia and Bulgaria, through organizing health fairs and offering free dermatological consultations, reflects her deep connection to her roots and her commitment to community health. Dr. Novosartyan's efforts have been recognized and valued by the Armenian community, further motivating her to continue her advocacy and education efforts. Her work with the Armenian diaspora has also involved collaboration with local health authorities to improve access to dermatological care.

Bridging international experience with U.S.

Dr. Novosartyan is diligently preparing for the USMLE exams, with the goal of transitioning her practice to the U.S. and applying her extensive international experience within the American healthcare system. Alongside her exam preparations, she actively conducts educational sessions on skin care. Dr. Novosartyan is eager to bring her global perspective to the U.S., where she believes her background will contribute significantly to the diversity and richness of American dermatology practice.

Advice on skincare. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation: causes, prevention, and treatment.

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is a common issue characterized by darkened patches or spots on the skin that appear after an inflammatory condition, such as burns, acne, psoriasis, eczema, and other skin inflammations. PIH makes it a significant problem as it affects the patient's psychological state, reducing self-esteem and confidence.

Photoprotection is essential because exposure to sunlight can significantly worsen the condition of PIH. UV radiation stimulates the production of melanin in the skin, leading to the intensification and darkening of existing pigment spots. Acne plays a crucial role in the development of PIH since inflammation caused by acne can damage the skin barrier and stimulate increased melanin production in the inflamed areas. Once the inflammation subsides, dark spots may remain on the skin, which, without proper treatment and photoprotection, can persist for a long time and even worsen under sun exposure. Therefore, to treat PIH, it is important to take measures to prevent and eliminate exacerbating factors, including the regular application of sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 and wearing protective clothing.

Various methods are used to eliminate PIH, including topical agents. Hydroquinone is considered the gold standard for treating PIH. Retinoids and azelaic acid, which accelerate the resolution of hyperpigmentation, are also beneficial. Additionally, superficial chemical peels with glycolic or salicylic acid can be used.

Modern methods for treating PIH include the use of IPL (intense pulsed light), Nd:YAG laser, and CO2 laser.

The treatment choice depends on the type of hyperpigmentation, skin type, and expected results. It is recommended to consult a dermatologist to select the best option, considering individual characteristics and possible risks. Photoprotection, avoiding triggering factors, and appropriate treatment can help effectively manage post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and improve the condition of the skin.

A vision for the future

Dr. Novosartyan's career is a testament to how dedication, cultural sensitivity, and a commitment to innovation can shape the field of dermatology. As she prepares to further her practice in the U.S., her efforts continue to enhance patient care through clinical practice and public health education. Her journey reflects not only a commitment to public health but also her readiness to positively influence the future of dermatology globally.

In collaboration with her colleagues from Russia, Dr. Novosartyan is currently developing a comprehensive guidebook for dermatologists. This essential resource will cover modern diagnostic techniques, the application of therapeutic agents, and the management of dermatological emergencies. The guidebook aims to be an invaluable tool for the professional development of dermatologists, equipping them with up-to-date knowledge and practical skills. This initiative underscores the importance of continuous education in the medical field and highlights Dr. Novosartyan's dedication to fostering excellence in dermatology.

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