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World Health Organization: 130,000 people infected with coronavirus in May

June 18, 2024  10:39

About 130,000 people around the world were infected with the coronavirus and about 1,900 died from COVID-19 between April 29 and May 26, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported.

Accordingly, from April 29 to May 26, a total of 129,889 cases of covid were recorded in the world, of which 1,891 ended in death. It is 11- and 36-percent less, respectively, than in the previous four weeks. The WHO emphasized that due to the decrease in the intensity of testing and genomic sequencing, its data do not fully reflect the morbidity and mortality rate from COVID-19.

In four weeks, the WHO received information about new cases of covid from 94 countries, and about deaths from 28 countries. Information about 45,662 infected people was received from Russia. Besides the latter, Australia (19,638), New Zealand (13,245), the UK (10,540), and Thailand (7,355) are among the top five countries with the highest number of new cases. In the US, the highest number of deaths in four weeks was recorded: 1,319. Russia (152), New Zealand (62), Australia (50), and China (49) follow next.

The WHO data indicate a non-homogeneous picture of morbidity in the regions. In Southeast Asia, the number of new cases of covid increased by 43 percent; in the Western Pacific region, the increase was 14 percent. Also, a 52-percent decrease in morbidity was recorded in the Eastern Mediterranean, 36 percent in Africa, 24 percent in Europe, and 23 percent in America.

The most common coronavirus strain remains the JN.1; its presence has been identified in 132 countries. Specialists noted a trend of growth of the KP.2 and KP.3 strains, which are the "generations" of the JN.1.

Between April 29 and May 26, the GISAID international genomic monitoring system received information about 15,300 studies on the sequencing of the genome of the coronavirus, while in the previous two four-week periods more such information was received, with countries informing GISAID of 18,312 and 24,317 studies, respectively.

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