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No more need to take babies from Meghri to Kapan. New pediatric services are implemented with the support of "Arabkir" Medical Complex

July 15, 2024  19:09

During her visit to Syunik, Minister of Health Anahit Avanesyan among other medical institutions of the region visited also "Meghri" Medical Center and familiarized with the progress of works on a number of recently implemented programs, including the newborn hearing test and children's rehabilitation center. These two projects are being implemented thanks to the efforts of Arabkir Medical Complex and partners, Arabkir Medical Complex told NEWS.am Medicine.

On the day of the Minister's visit, three children were born in Meghri maternity hospital. Such "abundance" is rare here. According to experts, the desire of families to give birth in Meghri itself contributes to improving the quality of services. One such service is the hearing test for newborns, which has so far been done in Kapan. Now it will be done locally. The maternity hospital already has a newborn screening machine, with the help of which the first and second stages of the examination can be conducted, and only at the third stage the child will have to be sent to the psychiatric center in Yerevan. In the nearest future all children living in Meghri under the age of 1 year will be screened with the help of this device. The work of introducing newborn hearing screening in Meghri was carried out by Arabkir Medical Complex with the support of the Union of Armenian Physicians of Boston and the Afeyan Foundation.

The goal of the new pediatric rehabilitation center is to make services more accessible to the local population. The center is equipped with the necessary property and equipment to fully serve children in need of rehabilitation therapy. The reconstruction and renovation was supported by the Zangezur Copper and Molybdenum Combine and GNC Alpha Company, while the Boston Armenian Medical Association and the Afeyan Foundation covered the costs of education and training of specialists. The center will begin accepting its first children on August 1. The center will be staffed by a professional team: kinesitherapist, occupational therapist, special educator, speech therapist, under the supervision of a rehabilitation doctor. The center's activities until December 31, 2024 will also be financed by the "Afeyan" Foundation.

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