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Daily Mail: stress more likely to trigger heart disease than cancer

July 16, 2024  14:23

According to Dr. Andrea Lynn Roberts and gynecologic oncology professor Anil Sood from the United States, the impact of stress on cancer risk is not as significant as its danger to the heart and blood vessels. This is reported by the Daily Mail.

Experts noted that in recent years, the number of studies aimed at finding the relationship between stress and cancer has increased significantly. The results of some research papers demonstrate that individuals with cancers of the throat, larynx, nose, tongue, sinuses and pancreas often experience stressful events five years (or less) before they are diagnosed with the disease. Other studies have not found an association between adverse life events and the risk of developing specific cancers (e.g., breast).

Cancer researcher Andrea Lynn Roberts notes that stressful events can indeed increase the likelihood of serious health problems. However, the risk of developing heart disease with emotional stress is much higher than cancer. According to the doctor, people who experience short-term stress should not worry.

However, according to oncologist Anil Sood, chronic (constant) stress can disrupt the immune system, which makes it worse at recognizing and destroying tumor cells. The doctor added that exhausting emotional stress indirectly increases the risk of cancer by triggering digestive problems, diabetes and heart disease.

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