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WHO director considered the spread of a new pandemic possible

July 17, 2024  11:11

A new pandemic could break out in the world at any moment. This was warned by World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, speaking in Geneva at a meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INGO), which is drafting an agreement to prevent pandemics.

"As the current [avian flu] H5N1 [bird flu] outbreak reminds us, the next pandemic could be just around the corner. It could come at any moment. It will not wait for us,” the WHO Director-General emphasized.

He called the document being developed by the IGOE a “generational agreement”, pointing to the relevance of the work being done by the body. “Finalizing the negotiations this year would be a historic event,” Ghebreyesus said. He expressed the view that “reaching consensus on outstanding issues is possible within a relatively short time.”

The IGEP met July 16-17 in Geneva for its 10th meeting since 2022. The body failed to finalize the draft pandemic treaty before this year's 77th World Health Assembly (May 27-June 1), as originally planned. By decision of the Assembly, the mandate of the IPEP was extended for one year. The work on the document is expected to be summarized at the 78th World Health Assembly in May 2025 or at a special session of the assembly, which may take place before the end of 2024.

At a press conference in Geneva on July 11, Ghebreyesus called on all countries to step up surveillance of avian influenza, drawing attention to recent human infections in Cambodia and the United States. He also reminded of the need to vaccinate against COVID-19 at least once a year for at-risk groups, including people over 60 years of age and health workers. According to WHO, an average of 1.7 thousand people die every week from COVID in the world.

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