How to work out correctly: Tips for pregnant women

April 8, 2014  09:53

Exercising during pregnancy is beneficial for pregnant woman and her baby. 

Here are some answers to fitness questions concerning pregnant women from Julie Relevant, a freelance writer and copywriter specializing in parenting, health, healthcare, nutrition, food and women's issues on Fox News channel.

1. Get your doc’s ok.

 It’s important to get the green light from your doctor before hitting the gym, especially if you have a medical condition like placenta previa or preeclampisa, which could mean exercise is off limits.

2. Warm up.

 The type of warm-up you do depends on what you’re doing, but 6 to 15 minutes is ideal, according to Anne Martens, founder of a fitness program for women in all stages of motherhood.

3. Drink enough water.

Staying hydrated is important especially during pregnancy and even more so when you’re exercising. Drink up an hour before your workout and then re-hydrate every 15 minutes, Martens said.

4. Put some sports on the backburner.

You shouldn’t do any activity that could cause a sudden fall or involve contact with your belly. So skiing, surfing, scuba diving, water skiing, outdoor biking, even tennis should wait until after you give birth. 

5. Exercise even if you didn’t before pregnancy.

Start slow and speak with your doctor about a modified program if you have limitations.

6. Avoid certain movements.

 Nix any exercise program that includes lying on your stomach, lying on your back after 20 weeks, and twisting because it could cause disruption in the alignment of your uterus, said Leah Keller, a pre- and post-natal fitness exper.

7. Nix the heart rate monitor.

You may have been told to use a heart rate monitor, but they’re actually not reliable during pregnancy and can be a source of anxiety. Instead, use the talk test: if you can have a conversation, you’re at the right intensity. “If you’re absolutely breathless, you’re probably working too hard,” Keller said.

8. You can step it up.

Experts used to advise pregnant women avoid increasing exercise during pregnancy, but not anymore. 

9. Work your abs.

Sit-ups and crunches put too much strain on the abdominal muscles and can weaken the core. Instead, draw your belly into your spine and squeeze them tight to tighter for a simple strengthener.

10. Pilates is ok but it should be modified.

You can take Pilates, but just like crunches, some traditional moves should be avoided during pregnancy.  Look for a certified trainer who has 200 hours of experience and knows how to modify the program for pregnancy, Martens said.

11. Do weight training with caution.

Lifting weights, especially over your head, can constrict the nerves in your upper torso, cause injury or even lead to misalignment in the lower back, Martens said. If your coordination isn’t strong, swap the weights for a resistance band instead or use lighter weights and increase the reps. You can also work with a trainer to ensure you’re lifting correctly.

12. Leave time to cool down.

After your workout, a cool-down is just as important as a warm-up because it gradually decreases your heart rate.

13. Know when to stop.

If you’re feeling drained, fatigued or slightly off, cool down and stop for the day. You should feel invigorated, not exhausted.

“Listen to your body even more than usual,” Keller said

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