Swiss CHEESE contains a probiotic that could help you live longer

August 25, 2017  15:39

Cheese is a guilty pleasure for many of us, but it now seems we don't have to feel regretful for enjoying it - as long as it's Swiss.

Scientists have found a link between a probiotic found in the tasty treat and longevity.

They found that the bacteria - used in the fermentation of Emmental cheese - decreases inflammation and boosts the immune system.

Also found in other dairy products, such as milk, it can also improve signs of ageing, according to researchers at Korea University in Seoul.

There is one caveat with the study, which was published in the journal Scientific Reports - it was carried out on roundworms. 

But the authors state: 'It is possible that the mechanisms identified in this study may apply to other species including humans.'

Key findings  

Emmentaler contains the bacterium Propionibacterium freudenreichii which was found to make the worms live longer.

The team explain that it turns lactate - the compound which makes muscles burn - into three substances - acetate, propionate and carbon dioxide. 

Acetate and propionate have been shown to enhance human gut immunity in studies, they say. 

Furthermore, particular lactic acid bacteria, such as Weissella koreensis and W. cibaria, extend the lifespan of roundworms and 'improve biomarkers of ageing'.

The team concludes that the probiotic extends the lifespan by dampening down the body's stress response, and triggering an anti-inflammatory effect on the immune system.

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